Friday, October 28, 2011

milky magic

Just a little halloween-inspired photoshoot my friend and I worked on this morning.

The plan was to take a little trip at the break of dawn to a local state park, but it started raining. I wasn't having that, thank you very much. so, we just set up in the backyard. Didn't come out too bad for having to do a little improvising, huh? :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

It's been a while since I posted anything here. To be honest, I haven't had a lot of "shoots" nor have I really had a lot of time to take photos. Not that I haven't, of course. Here's what you missed so far:

So, let's see. Some nature walks, a photo of my friend Ashley, and some photos of where I got engaged :)
It's been an alright couple of months, I can't deny it.