Friday, October 28, 2011

milky magic

Just a little halloween-inspired photoshoot my friend and I worked on this morning.

The plan was to take a little trip at the break of dawn to a local state park, but it started raining. I wasn't having that, thank you very much. so, we just set up in the backyard. Didn't come out too bad for having to do a little improvising, huh? :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

It's been a while since I posted anything here. To be honest, I haven't had a lot of "shoots" nor have I really had a lot of time to take photos. Not that I haven't, of course. Here's what you missed so far:

So, let's see. Some nature walks, a photo of my friend Ashley, and some photos of where I got engaged :)
It's been an alright couple of months, I can't deny it.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just a few photos of my friends. We went to a local park simply for the merry go round for my friend's birthday. You can tell we're not hard to please.

(I haven't had a photo of the boy and I for a long time. So, the weirdo face will have to do :P)

I wonder why people stare at us when we go out?? Hmm...

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Once upon a time, I started a blog/site for my photography when I thought that I was going to be let go from my then part-time job and I had full intentions on having it as something to fall back on (since, obviously, it was something I loved to do). Then I found a full-time job that eats up all my time and daylight so I had to sadly abandon it. I created this blog as something a little more personal than professional, but I still get asked by folks in real life about my site. What's a girl to do?

I obviously didn't want another blog that I had to keep up with because I'm clearly terrible at updating often and I don't have as many "shoots" lined up like before. So, I took a look at and made a little free website. It's nice without the ads, but I'm not willing to cough up the $15/mo minimum just to keep it ad-free. Then I remembered, "Duh, you have a perfectly good domain with the name you want for it already!" So I headed back to good ol' blogger and did a little coding magic (with the help of google search and photoshop) and made a site that looks almost identical to the wix page I created. The best part? It doesn't have to be a blog. Sweet!

I present to you, Ashley Watts Photo!
I honestly would love to get back into trying to make this a reality for me, but I would also just love it if I could take photos for people. I'm not even worried about money...just the love of the game. But now I have a little piece of professionalism floating around the web! :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Time always isn't my friend...

...when I want to take photos. One of my very few regrets was that I didn't get into photography until I had already graduated high school. One, because I see so many teenagers (ugh, I feel so old saying that) documenting their lives so beautifully - it's hard not to be jealous - and two, because now I have very little free time what with a full time job and other "adult" things I have to deal with.

So, to make up for not being able to post all of the time, here is one of my favorites as of late. I took it on the same day as I took some photos of Ashley but had forgotten to post it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Costume Test

Okay. I'll admit. This photo was taken more because I've been dying to use these props ever since I found them at a local renaissance festival, but it really was a prop test. We found a little closed up airport this past weekend and a shoot actually almost happened, but I couldn't bring myself to step over the chained up entrance (I really don't want to go to jail right before my birthday, sorry). But after seeing this photo I might just have to very, very soon...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ashley - July 2011

Ashley's been my volunteer model for a while now and she's usually the one who lets me dress her up and make her act strange in front of my camera. In fact, just yesterday (in a southern July heat), she let me try out a costume idea - you'll be able to see the product of that in a post tomorrow. For now, here are a few shots from yesterday.